Email Data

Maximise Your Email Marketing Returns

The best thing about email marketing is, in some respects, its very worst factor. You were, no doubt, excited at the prospect of lots and lots of data from the returns of a campaign. Then it cascaded in and you had no idea what to do with it all. Understanding what the various terms mean … READ MORE »

Using Landing Pages To Improve Conversion

You might well be like the rest us. We all feel overwhelmed by the returns from email marketing campaigns. Even concentrating on one aspect, such as landing page returns, can still make you wonder what on earth you’re supposed to do with all the data. The difference between email marketing and most other forms is the … READ MORE »

Advice for SME’s with the approach of Brexit

It is with a degree of embarrassment I admit to publishing, about a year ago, a calendar on the countdown to Brexit. The idea was to point out what small and medium sized email marketing companies needed to do to ensure a smooth transition. My only defence is that I was not the only person … READ MORE »

What’s Wrong With Your First Few Campaigns?

You anticipated a killing. You’ve built up a small but, you believe, good quality email marketing list. The first few, low level, campaigns went as well as you expected, and you learnt a lot from them; enough, you feel, to try something special. The offer was one you’d been planning for ages, one destined to … READ MORE »

Learn From Your First Email Campaigns

It’s an exciting time when trying something new. It is normally tinged with a bit of self-doubt; after all, what if you make a mess of it? A reassuring aspect of starting out in email marketing is that there is lots of advice and help out there, both online and from your email marketing service … READ MORE »

Should You Give Away Valuable Items?

You have worked hard for everything you’ve got, so why should you give away something just to gain subscribers to your email marketing list? The answer is that it is probably the cheapest way of getting them. Work out how much it costs to gain subscribers in other ways. There’s the cost of a stand … READ MORE »

A Year Into The GPDR. How Was It For You?

It was suggested that the General Data Protection Regulations spelt the death of email marketing, or at least that we would have to modify our processes to an extent that would hit our return on investment. Now, after more than a year, it has shown itself to have been easy enough to cope with. I’m … READ MORE »

Ethical Behaviour In Email Marketing

One way the police put at ease suspects and witnesses they are interviewing is to be open and transparent with regards to the reasons for the questions. Another rule is never to lie to the interviewee or their legal representative. It’s all about trust. There is a distinct parallel with email marketing. It is probable … READ MORE »


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