Tag: Email Marketing Campaign

Using videos to reinforce trust

As a means of supporting any campaign, video ticks all the boxes. Whether being used on a website or for email marketing, used properly there is little doubt that it is a most effective way of hitting targets. There’s a caveat though; it must be used with care and restraint. All content is not equal … READ MORE »

Using testimonial videos in email marketing

We all search through reviews when subscribing to an email marketing list or considering buying a product from a new supplier. After all, there are some real crooks out there.  One of the most compelling forms of review is a testimonial where the person allows their name to be used. How much better is a … READ MORE »

Producing a testimonial video? We can help

Ten points to consider when producing a testimonial video for an email marketing campaign 1/ Don’t consider There’s no doubt of the effectiveness of testimonial videos, not only in email marketing, but on websites as well. One on a landing page can negate that hesitation before clicking on ‘buy’. 2/ It’s about what you want … READ MORE »

How colour can be used to influence readers

I am, like around 8% of European males, partially colour-blind. In women, the rate is considerably lower, at around 0.5%. On top of that, there are many different kinds of colour blindness. You might be wondering whether there’s any point in trying to influence subscribers to your email marketing list with colour when there are … READ MORE »

Squeeze every last bit of value from your copy

You will pay a lot for copy for an email marketing campaign or blog, whether sourced externally or from Jean in HR who can produce a nifty phrase. It takes time, not so much for the typing as research and reading. Any copy that is worth paying for will be reassuringly expensive. It makes sense … READ MORE »

Coping with conflicting demands for email

Email marketing works. The facts are unarguable so most departments will want to use it in their campaigns. There’s little cost and their budget will be able to cope. One problem is that there are constraints not fully understood by those who are not specialists.  As companies become larger, various specialities tend to separate and … READ MORE »

Planning your next email marketing campaign

There is no single method of planning an email marketing campaign that will suit everyone. We all want to make money but that’s a bit too vague to be useful. A plan has to be bespoke, specific to you and the product. A simple generic method that works for us all is to start at … READ MORE »

Whatever you want, email marketing can do it for you

What is your next email marketing campaign going to do for you? Will it just be selling a product that you need to move? If so, then you are missing one of the strengths of email marketing.   Whilst many will say that each email marketing campaign should focus on one aspect and one aspect … READ MORE »

The dangers of green claims in email marketing

Accept that email marketing pollutes. Whilst you might recycle everything you can, you can’t recycle everything. That is the best any us can do. If you do your best, then tell your customers.  There was a spate of companies suggesting they were green a few years ago but most, 95% according to some reports, were … READ MORE »

Segmenting email marketing lists: the basics

It is the one thing that unites us all; all of us who are successful that is. If you don’t segment your email marketing lists you are condemning yourself to lower returns on your investment.  One of the most frequently asked questions is how to go about it and, like much in email marketing, the answer … READ MORE »


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