
Admit It; You Will Never Be Green

Social media is going through one of its periods of attacks on false claims of being green. We should accept that it is impossible for email marketing to be completely green in the sense of having no environmental impact. Servers, the requirement for precious metals giving the need for mines, plastics everywhere and transport of … READ MORE »

Always Modify An Email Template

I don’t like being prescriptive, but it is not a good idea to use an email marketing template ‘straight out of the box’. It will have been designed by a professional, and as you’ve had no graphic art experience, you might not feel the need to prove it by messing it up.  There’s only so … READ MORE »

Simple Ways To Modify An Email Template

We live in an exciting time for computer graphics. Designers are as willing as ever to experiment and show just how good they are. More remarkably, companies are willing to try their creations. We see explosions of ideas and trends. Some of the designs fill one with wonder. You probably think there’s an however coming, … READ MORE »

Should You Give Away Valuable Items?

You have worked hard for everything you’ve got, so why should you give away something just to gain subscribers to your email marketing list? The answer is that it is probably the cheapest way of getting them. Work out how much it costs to gain subscribers in other ways. There’s the cost of a stand … READ MORE »

A Year Into The GPDR. How Was It For You?

It was suggested that the General Data Protection Regulations spelt the death of email marketing, or at least that we would have to modify our processes to an extent that would hit our return on investment. Now, after more than a year, it has shown itself to have been easy enough to cope with. I’m … READ MORE »

Ethical Behaviour In Email Marketing

One way the police put at ease suspects and witnesses they are interviewing is to be open and transparent with regards to the reasons for the questions. Another rule is never to lie to the interviewee or their legal representative. It’s all about trust. There is a distinct parallel with email marketing. It is probable … READ MORE »

Brexit – Government help and advice

At the time of writing, there was no clear cut decision as to the nature of Brexit, whether it would go ahead on 31 October, or at all. Whatever your thoughts on the matter, and how it will affect email marketing, now is not the time to wait for clarification. The Government has, on https://www.gov.uk/brexit#business, … READ MORE »

An Interesting Period For Email Marketing

I have a fascination with history, especially the social and political sides; a bit of a contrast with email marketing. So you’d think I’d be thrilled to be, like you, in the middle of a political crisis. It’s the reverse in fact. I’m worried for the outcome.  There will be professors who specialise in Brexit … READ MORE »

Email Marketing Bandwagons

As a relief from, and contrast to, the hectic and forceful world of email marketing, I support my local rugby club. Some years ago, the club was struggling for income and expansion of membership was seen as the best way of bringing in money. Someone suggested having a women’s team. It might seem that we … READ MORE »


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