
Going beyond split testing; your data returns

You have a brilliant idea that will secure you an increase in completions. You have confidence that it will be something of a revolution but as you’ve been in email marketing for more than a few months you accept that you need to split test your next campaign to prove how good it is. Split … READ MORE »

Awareness – the start of the email marketing funnel

Making yourself apparent to your target audience has always been the difficult aspect of email marketing. No matter how good your offers are, if your customers are not aware of them, they won’t sell.  The more blanket forms of advertising, such as TV and other types of what we might call scatter-gun methods, have been … READ MORE »

Everything is advertising

99% of millennials, most of whom have an iphone or ipad, reckon that advertising has no effect on them. Anyone in email marketing can see the non sequitur. You will probably want to know the names of the 99%. They are not so much your target audience as have targets on them.  That they are … READ MORE »

Try something new in your template redesign

When faced with the choices of free email marketing templates, it is all too easy to panic and pick the next one on the list. That’s the problem with choice. A better way is to have some idea of what will suit your product before a new email marketing campaign. It will be no relief … READ MORE »

Multiple options can reduce open rates

We ensure our headlines can be not only read but understood in a fraction of a second. A few words are all that we need in the preheader. Completion must be just a couple of clicks away. Yet we so often allow the subscriber a multitude of choices in the, largely false, expectation that they … READ MORE »

Too much choice in email marketing?

I intended to buy a rather expensive item. I researched what was available, read the brochures, and, with girded loins to protect me, I invited my chosen company to send a representative. She left without me having signed on the bottom line and my reasons provide learning points for email marketing. Unknown to me the … READ MORE »

Preheader is important to your subscribers

It is best to assume that the default position is that everyone reads their email on a mobile. In other words, you work back from that premise, personalising your segmented email marketing lists for the few who do not. The natural follow-on is that you should design your email marketing campaigns to ensure all aspects … READ MORE »

Effective use of preheaders in email marketing

We’ve recently mentioned how your email marketing open rates depend to a great extent on your choice of Subject Line. You’ll be pleased to know that they need to be supported by a preheader and that these need as much creativity as the Subject Line. As the preheader is known by other titles, I’ll clarify … READ MORE »


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