Email Data

An Interesting Period For Email Marketing

I have a fascination with history, especially the social and political sides; a bit of a contrast with email marketing. So you’d think I’d be thrilled to be, like you, in the middle of a political crisis. It’s the reverse in fact. I’m worried for the outcome.  There will be professors who specialise in Brexit … READ MORE »

Everyone should make friends with the ICO

The ICO (the Information Commissioner’s Office) polices data protection and, with our, hopefully massive, email marketing lists, you’d think we should be wary of them but it’s just the reverse. We should look upon them as a valuable asset.  It is almost as if the ICO doesn’t want a lot of bother. It’s the easy … READ MORE »

Landing Pages Design And Content

  There are many factors to consider when it comes to creating landing pages to back up an email marketing campaign. Much will depend on, for instance, how the person arrives at the page, and each route will require different design factors.  For instance, if they came via an online ad, you’ll know little about … READ MORE »

No One Got Rich By Giving Things Away 

  You can’t argue against it. It’s obvious that selling products at a loss does nothing for your ROI, at least not directly. Yet email marketing companies do it. Not only that, the most successful seem to do it more than the others. Therefore, they must have their reasons. For research purposes I subscribed to … READ MORE »

10 basic email marketing checks

I used to be a police officer. You might think this will not help your email marketing returns, but all will become clear. I stopped a car, the driver of which had failed to give precedence at a roundabout. I walked up to the car, following the standard checks of index plate, tax disc and … READ MORE »

Poor Results? Do More Than Just The Basics

  You’ve been in email marketing for a while, and have enough subscribers to make it a worthwhile endeavour. You’ve run a few campaigns, improving a bit each time, but you seem to have reached a plateau. The graphs are not inspiring.  Let’s assume that, like most people in your position, you’ve checked all the … READ MORE »

Advocates, the holy grail of email marketing

The final stage of the marketing funnel model is Advocacy. It’s the aspect that gives the greatest returns. After all, potential customers believe reviews before whatever you say in an email marketing campaign. Get advocacy sorted and so is your company’s future.  It is not the easiest aspect of the marketing funnel to crack, though … READ MORE »

Listen to your customers and retain them

I’ve recently read that the chances of selling to an existing customer is twelve times that of selling to a new prospect. The figure should not come as a surprise. Your email marketing plan should take this statistic to heart.  Customer retention means higher profits and lower costs. The journey from lead to subscriber to … READ MORE »

Going beyond split testing; your data returns

You have a brilliant idea that will secure you an increase in completions. You have confidence that it will be something of a revolution but as you’ve been in email marketing for more than a few months you accept that you need to split test your next campaign to prove how good it is. Split … READ MORE »


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