Email Campaign Management

GDPR and how it does not affect Christmas

I know you are not that interested in my problems, not with Christmas coming and not knowing if Brexit is, but getting known as a writer on the GDPR and email marketing has a certain downside this time of the year. I’m being pointed to as the bloke who told the headmistress of my grandchildren’s … READ MORE »

Advertise for free and gain subscribers

One of the requirements of email marketing is to give things away. It is the single most effective tool for gaining subscribers to an email marketing list. It’s refreshing to know that there are lots of free ways for us to access advertising to increase our return on investment. There are methods that you are, … READ MORE »

Planning your next email marketing campaign

There is no single method of planning an email marketing campaign that will suit everyone. We all want to make money but that’s a bit too vague to be useful. A plan has to be bespoke, specific to you and the product. A simple generic method that works for us all is to start at … READ MORE »

Whatever you want, email marketing can do it for you

What is your next email marketing campaign going to do for you? Will it just be selling a product that you need to move? If so, then you are missing one of the strengths of email marketing.   Whilst many will say that each email marketing campaign should focus on one aspect and one aspect … READ MORE »

Green is good for email marketing

One of the most vibrant movements over recent years has been the push for ethical consumption. Out have gone beards and kaftans to be replaced by statistics and horrific images. We will ignore the moral aspects and concentrate on the practical side of going green in email marketing, the vital aspect being that it is … READ MORE »

Rebranding your email campaigns; is it worth it?

I used to design logos. It was fun, it was remunerative and the little company I ran, with three others, would push for a rebranding. Nowadays I would tell the manager to visualize the impact the new website and matching documentation. As for their next email marketing campaign, it could be their best ever.  It … READ MORE »

Free images for email marketing, websites and newsletters

We’ve recently explained some of the legal niceties of the use of images in email marketing. Copyright is a subject that is impossible to cover with any degree of detail in five hundred or so words. You need a legal library. That does not mean the only options are to use image libraries or Creative … READ MORE »

Cheap ways of obtaining copyright free images

Email marketing, e-newsletters and websites eat images. Sourcing them from image libraries can be expensive and the requirements of Creative Commons might not suit everyone. If only there was a way of obtaining a steady source of copyright free images. We’ve recently given an overview of the legal side of copyright with regards pictures, and … READ MORE »

The right things to say in a marketing email

If you run email marketing campaigns frequently, you will know how difficult it is to maintain quality of copy. An internal weekly legal magazine managed it by the tried and tested method of enlisting a columnist. He became well known both inside and outside the industry. Despite knowing that the question must have been put … READ MORE »


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